‘A loose chronological primer on desktop cinema aka "Screen Life" aka desktop documentary’ by Conor Bateman.
‘Drawing In The Future’ by Laura Houlberg was the winner of Bertha DocHouse's Creative Response to Self-Isolation Competition #6 2021, 'Back to the Future.'
The etymology of "contract" is "to draw several objects together, to draw in." 2020 broke every social contract we thought we had. Big Tech continues to insidiously draw us into a new contract that requires us to always be online. And in response to all the chaos, I contracted into myself. It made me feel weird at first, but maybe a little cool down is just what we all need.
Check out a time capsule of the screening & party for the film, hosted in a Google Sheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/195AiOPubMfHvEIfYSfAduLIV31YT_LCiSzm1NzFgRVA/edit#gid=1293633960
Also see these threads for other ideas of films that could be explored in Lockdown/ with limited means: