From left: Alex Holland & Freddie Wakefield
I had an acquaintance, Frederick Wakefield, who is my friend's family friend and he is a Film Degree student. He recently announced a road trip film project called The You and I on Facebook and so I then voluntereed myself to support the project whenever I can. in Kickstarter.
His friend, Alex Holland, read the article One Guy Figured Our How to Plan The Best Road Trip Ever and led him and Freddie to take on a challenge by driving the trip. They will travel, while filming, across 48 states of the USA and stop by to see the famous landmarks includng the White House and the Grand Canyon.
I would like you to pledge for The You and I and Alex and Freddie will appreciate you and even my support. They need the money for petrol, emergency petrol in case they get lost, food, hotels and emergency calls. Go to their profile on Kickstarter for more information and contact details, and follow them on Twitter and Instragram.
I designed a poster to promote their campaign and I'll be planning to put them up at Film Weston, Weston College and Dirigo Film Festival in Bristol during this May.