i can't get over how much I love this music video. everything about it is perfect. I like that all shots connect and that the story line has nice twist's. I also like the way that the dancing works well and doesn't seem like it was put there for the sake of the dance.
exo fifty shades of love me right
I thought the teaser for exo's new song love me right sounded like x rated song. So feeling inspired I paired it up to fifty shades of grey. For this I chose to use the song crazy in love as I felt that this went well with the rhythm of the clips. I originally wanted to use the chorus as I felt the words would of gone well. However when I added the song to the timeline I found that the beginning went really well. So I chose to use that instead.
When it came to editing the clips I started by adding all the clips I wanted to the time line. This was a lot of fun but also hard as most clips were no longer than 5 seconds; so I had to use the arrow keys to get the clips precisely right. Once I had them all on timeline I moved them round to fit the music. This was were I found a few of my clips didnt work so they had to go. I also found I had gaps and that some clips worked but not next to some clips. So I had to go back threw the exo video to find clips that would work. towards the end I was starting to struggle as I didnt want to re use clips but I was running out of exo clips that worked. In the end I reused a few clips just to make the video work the way I wanted. I think this is only noticeable with one of my clips.
Once I had finished putting the music and clips together I made all the clips black and white as I felt that this made the video have a more x rated feel to it. I also felt that as the original colours were strange vibrant and grungy colours that they didnt go with the tone of this music like it did love right. I also feel that black and white adds to fifty shades of grey side of the video as those seems to be the tones used for the branding of the film fifty shades of grey. I feel turning all the clips black and white has enhanced the look of the film.
over all I had a lot of fun doing this even threw all its hardships. I really enjoyed editing like this as It felt like I was editing videos liked I used to a few years ago. When I used to just sit in my room making stories out of different songs and videos or drama's. I want to be able to make more videos like this over the next year.
experimental media experiments
below is a few films that i made as experiments as part my experimental media.
as part of my exspermental unit at uni i was shown some stuff simular to this for ideas on what i could do for my own work. So I used it as en exscuse to spend time in class making a crack as there something I like doing.
for part of my experimental unit at university i thought i would play around with some of the effects in final cut.
this is a shot little video that i made while back after being inspired by a kimdao video i watched. you can view the video that inspired me here https://youtu.be/RmilL6aaRUU
vixx error
I am blown away by this video. I have never been much of a fan of vixx but this is just amazing. its not often that you find a main stream kpop group that has an amazing music video. So I'm like proper blown away by vixx my mind can't comprehend it. I loved the cinematography and cgi esecily when they had cyborg heads singing. The video also reminded me of blade runner at times. Over all this is one of my favourite music videos of the year as i love the way it has been done and it has raised the bar for main stream kpop.